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Supply Chain,
Human Rights &
Working Conditions
At Aritzia, we’re committed to creating positive social impact, founded on respecting and upholding human rights, along our supply chain. Our current social impact priorities across our supply chain are:
  • Making our products ethically and responsibly
  • Upholding human rights
  • Amplifying workers’ voices
  • Advancing economic security
To support these priorities, we collaborate with finished-goods, fabric and trims suppliers whose value is defined not only by the quality of the product but also by how they work. This means we aim to build meaningful relationships with suppliers who commit to work in line with our expectations outlined in the Supplier Code of Conduct (Supplier CoC), including human rights and labour rights requirements. We aim to establish relationships with suppliers that are underpinned by trust, transparency, and continuous improvement.
Where Our Suppliers
Are Located
We collaborate with third-party suppliers around the world. These suppliers — and, by extension, their facilities — help develop and manufacture our beautiful product which we sell in our boutiques and on our global eCommerce platform.

The countries illustrated in the map below are reflective of the in-scope finished-goods supplier facilities1 and fabric and yarn supplier facilities involved in the manufacturing of Aritzia’s exclusive brands’ products in fiscal year 2024.
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1 - In-scope finished-goods supplier facilities are those that meet or exceed Aritzia’s production unit threshold of 5,000 units, have production with Aritzia in Fiscal 2024, and, in respect of which an assessment was required within Fiscal 2024 as per Aritzia’s Supplier Workplace Standards Program.
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Our Supplier Workplace
Standards Program
At Aritzia, we aim to set our expectations and deliver on our social impact priorities from the very start of a supplier relationship, through our Supplier Workplace Standards Program (the Program). The Program monitors the performance of Aritzia’s finished-goods supplier facilities, also known as Tier 1, and selected fabric and trims facilities, also known as Tier 2, against our Supplier CoC, specifically focusing on our requirements for suppliers to meet our human rights, and our fair and safe employment expectations. More details on how we set our expectations are outlined below, you can also refer to our latest Aritzia Community™ | ESG Report and Statement Regarding Modern Slavery.
Setting the Foundation
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Our Program and Supplier CoC uses the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights as the basis for its approach. It also aims to align with leading standards and industry best practice including the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Global Compacts Ten Principles, the International Labour Organization conventions, and the Ethical Trading Initiative Base Code.

The steps involved when we build a relationship with finished-goods facilities may include:
Country Risk Assessment Labour standards, human rights and environmental considerations are assessed through an internal cross-functional analysis of potential new sourcing countries.
Pre-Onboarding Evaluation Supplier Workplace Standards assessments are conducted by third-party specialty service providers to review potential finished-goods supplier facilities against our Supplier CoC and local and international legal requirements.
Onboarding A cross-functional onboarding is arranged where Aritzia and suppliers discuss relevant priorities, processes and expectations including those related to social and environmental standards.
Ongoing Monitoring of Workplace Standards Supplier Workplace Standards assessments are commissioned throughout the business relationship with finished-goods supplier facilities. Aritzia collaborates with finished-goods facilities on developing and implementing corrective action plans for remediation and continuous improvement.
Ongoing Relationship Management Regular feedback on the environmental and social performance of finished-goods facilities is shared in our sourcing and manufacturing supplier scorecards. Our teams also conduct visits to build trusting relationships and monitor that corrective action plans are sustainable and upheld.
Responsible Exit While we aim to build long-lasting relationships, when an exit is necessary Aritzia is committed to conducting an exit of a finished-goods facilities’ business relationship in a way which minimizes the negative impact on the continuity of the facility and the wellbeing of their workforce.
Fostering Relationships
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To help facilitate relationships with suppliers based on trust, transparency, and with a focus on continuous improvement, we work with specialty service providers, non-profit organizations and industry experts specializing in labour rights and supply chains to regularly review and evolve our Program.

At Aritzia, we maintain a relationship with ILO-IFC Better Work Programme (Better Work). Through this relationship we aim to signal to suppliers, governments and workers that labour rights and decent working conditions are a necessary precondition for our business.

Through Better Work’s supplier engagement services, their facilities gain access to assessment processes, advisory services and training. Better Work Advisors work in partnership with facilities on an on-going basis to build long-term, sustainable solutions to improve working conditions. Experienced in local and national laws, Better Work Advisors establish trusted relationships with facilities and foster strong, effective dialogue between workers, trade unions and management.
Deepening Our Focus
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We are committed to conducting our work in a respectful way that aims to understand and address systemic industry challenges. Our Program reviews and analyzes workforce demographics to understand where gaps may be and how to support workers in our supply chain in an equitable and fair manner. This includes personal and professional development opportunities for people across our supply chain.
Expanding Our Reach
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With a robust Program in place for our finished-goods facilities, we’re now widening our focus. This includes developing a program for our in-scope fabric and trims suppliers, which will help us expand our impact further into our supply chain.
Increasing Our Impact
Beyond Compliance
Upholding Human Rights
We’ve conducted a Human Rights Impact Assessment (HRIA) across our value chain. The results aim to inform our social impact programming in our supply chain and help guide our risk mitigation strategies to focus on addressing salient human rights topics.
Amplifying Voices
Effective and accessible communication channels for people across our supply chain is key to informing how we work. Supporting our suppliers in maintaining appropriate communication channels for workers to engage in two-way dialogue and provide anonymous feedback is a top priority. Our Supplier CoC, requires the suppliers facilities we work with to offer grievance management systems, which we regularly monitor.

We’ve examined opportunities as we seek to amplify the voices of those who work in our supply chain. The information we’ve gathered has informed our development of a tailored, multi-stakeholder Worker Voice Program. This program consists of anonymous surveys to workers at participating facilities, a hotline allowing confidentiality, and training for facility management on how to strengthen communication channels. Refer to our Aritzia Community™ | ESG Report FY2024 for more information.
Advancing Economic
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Everyone has a right to economic security. We recognize this complex topic requires collaboration from multiple stakeholders. We’re committed to:
  • Working with suppliers to ensure our Supplier CoC, human rights and best industry practices are upheld and respected
  • Collaborating with stakeholders and experts to develop strategies that advance economic security in our supply chain
  • Reviewing our practices and encouraging two-way dialogue with our suppliers to collaboratively develop a roadmap toward economic security
We take a data-driven approach to information gathering and wage analysis, which is part of deepening our understanding of wages throughout our supply chain. With this information, we’re maintaining wage ladders for finished-goods facilities which will allow us to baseline the wage practices of our supplier facilities for further analysis and exploration.

Learn more about our social impact programming in our supply chain and other Community initiatives in our Aritzia Community™ | ESG Report FY2024.