Take this peacoat for a stroll
Meticulously crafted to deliver warmth to -10°C / 14°F, this is a double-breasted peacoat with a relaxed fit, patch hand pockets and a vegan chamois interlining for added warmth and wind protection. It's expertly tailored with Wool Melton — virgin wool melton with a luxuriously soft feel and natural drape. This fabric is sourced from Manteco, one of Italy’s premier mills.
- Warm to -10°C / 14°F
- Fully lined
- Button closure
- Interior pocket with button closure
- Exclusive Babaton crest ob buttons
- Vegan chamois lining for lightweight warmth
- We developed our warmth ratings to help you choose the right coat for your climate, activities and needs. Because everyone feels temperature differently, they are intended as guidelines only.
- Origin: Fabric from Italy
- Content: 75% virgin wool, 25% polyamide; Lining: 100% viscose; Interlining: 94% polyester, 6% elastane
- Care: Dry clean
- Imported
- Fit: Relaxed — An easy shape that’s just shy of loose
- Length: Mid — Intended to hit between upper thigh to above the knee
- Body Length: Size S is 32" from the high shoulder point — Body Length varies by size
- Model is 5' 10"/178 cm wearing a size S
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Currently, there’s another version of this coat and the buttons aren’t pretty, so I suggest that if you want this coat, buy the older version. You will be getting it for $261 instead of $348.
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