Buy Online,
Pick Up In Store
Because you need that Contour top like, now. Browse and purchase your favourite styles online, then pick them up at an Aritzia boutique of your choice. Plus, no shipping fees, which is always nice.
A Quick How-To
How It Works - Pick up in store
Click the “Pick up in store” option on the product page.
How It Works - Select your boutique
Select your boutique.
How It Works - Add the product to your bag
Add the product to your bag, then complete the checkout process.
How It Works - pickup instructions
Once your order is all ready, we’ll send you an email with pickup instructions.
So Glad You Asked
  • What is Buy Online, Pick Up In Store?
    It’s our service that allows you to purchase products online and pick them up at an Aritzia boutique of your choice.
  • Why is my preferred boutique not showing as a pickup location?
    We may not offer Buy Online, Pick Up In Store at that boutique — yet. Keep an eye out over the coming months as we activate this service at more boutiques near you.
  • Why are some products unavailable for Buy Online, Pick Up In Store?
    Buy Online, Pick Up In Store is exclusively available for products in stock at the boutique you’ve selected.

    Additionally, certain products are unavailable for Buy Online, Pick Up In Store. You can always check online to see whether these items can be delivered.
  • What payments can I use for Buy Online, Pick Up In Store?
    We accept credit cards, PayPal, Afterpay and Gift Cards. We are unable to accept Apple Pay or PayPal Express for Buy Online, Pick Up In Store orders.

    A quick note on Gift Cards — the total amount of your order will be deducted from the current balance of your Gift Card. If the total amount is greater than the Gift Card balance, the difference will be charged to an alternate method of payment upon order pickup.
  • When will my order be ready for pickup?
    We’ll send you an email as soon as your order is ready — we might need a little time to prepare it just right.
  • When do I have to pay for my order?
    We’ll confirm your payment for the full amount when you place your order, but you won’t be charged until you pick it up.

    A quick note if you’ve used a credit card — you may see more than one authorization on your card. Not to worry, as it may be going through periodic reauthorization by your bank to ensure the charge can be processed upon order pickup. If the card does not have adequate balance at reauthorization, your order will be cancelled.
  • How long do I have to pick up my order?
    We'll hold on to your order for 7 days, starting from the day we send your “Ready for Pickup” email. We'll also send you a reminder 4 days after we send the first email, meaning you’ll have 3 days left to pick up your order. Orders not picked up within 7 days will be cancelled and refunded to the original method of payment.