Notes of cotton on a balmy spring day
This is a fully fashioned sleeveless crewneck top designed for a slim fit. It’s crafted from fine, lightweight 100% cotton yarn with a gauzy look and soft feel. This garment is constructed using a Fine Rib stitch with thin, compact columns for comfortable widthwise stretch.
- Fully fashioned construction means your knitwear fits you better with flat, smooth seams and less bulk. Plus, it reduces material waste in the production process.
- Content: 100% cotton; Ribbed Trim: 79% cotton, 18% nylon, 3% elastane
- Care: Machine wash
- Imported
- Fit: Slim — Streamlined to fit close to the body
- Length: Hip — Intended to hit at or below the hip
- Model is 5'11.5"/182cm wearing a size S
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9 months ago
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Aritzia, you're losing your brand identity. I've been a loyal customer since the early 2000s and there was a time where I'd go on your site and put EVERYTHING in my cart.. The drops from the past 2 years are so disappointing and it only seems to get worse. You now have too much product, quality is goin downhill, and the styles are outdated and unwanted. Take us back to the golden age of aritzia PLEASE
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