Put your best foot forward
Beloved for their ideal thickness and stretch, these are everyday low-profile footie socks with interior silicone grips, seamless toe construction, a shaped heel and toe for a just-right fit, a ribbed band for arch support and a ribbed ankle guard — so they stay in place. They’re made with Base Cotton™ — soft-brushed cotton with a plush feel and the perfect amount of stretch to hug your foot. A strong base.
- Three pairs to a pack
- Jersey knit
- Seamless toe
- Interior heel grip
- Shaped heel and toe for a just-right fit
- Ribbed band for arch support
- Ribbed ankle guard for retention
- Exclusive Tna jacquard
- Content: 58% cotton, 26% nylon, 11% polyester, 5% elastane
- Care: Machine wash
- Imported
- Model is 5'10.5"/179cm wearing a size S
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