Just add strong collar
This is a shrunken crew-neck sweater with fully fashioned construction. It's made with Embrace MerinoTM — extra-fine 100% merino wool yarn coveted for its natural warmth and super soft feel. We source ours from a premium Italian mill. This version is constructed with a Jersey stitch for a soft drape and a smooth, flat feel.
- Fully fashioned construction means your knitwear fits you better with flat, smooth seams and less bulk. Plus, it reduces material waste in the production process.
- Origin: Fabric from Italy
- Content: 100% wool; Cuffs: 98% wool, 1% elastane, 1% other fiber; Trim: 94% wool, 5% nylon, 1% elastane
- Care: Keep a good thing going by giving this knitwear the care it deserves:
• Prolong the life of your knitwear by washing less often.
• When needed, hand wash in cold water using mild detergent specially formulated for knitwear. Steer clear of fabric softeners.
• Rinse well after washing, but avoid ringing. Gently roll the garment in a towel to remove any excess water.
• Reshape your garment while still damp, and dry on a flat surface.
• Store your knitwear folded to prevent stretching.
• If pilling occurs, use a sweater comb or sweater stone to gently remove pills. - Imported
- View the merino wool care guide
- Fit: Classic — Follows your contours with a little room
- Length: Waist — Intended to hit between the waist and high hip
- Model is 5'9"/175 cm wearing a size S
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1 year ago
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True to size when ordered....not anymore after cleaning it.
....Folks, this sweater shrunk to half its size. Nothing will prevent the shrinking of this garment even after all of the work I put into maintaining it properly. Water is your enemy with Wilfreds whole line of %100 merino wool garments.
I love their whole line of wool garments, but I can't pay premium prices to wear it for a month and end up with a sweater that always gets smaller with every attempt to wash the sweat out of it.
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over 2 years ago
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