The cool little micro
Inspired by vintage streetwear, The ’90s Cargo is a micro skirt with a classic fit and timeless denim detailing. It’s made with premium non-stretch 100% regenerative cotton denim from Italy — the more you wear it, the better it gets. This version comes in a light medium indigo wash.
- Made with regenerative cotton
- Zip fly
- Genuine leather back patch
- Regenerative agriculture supports transition to farming practices that work with nature instead of against it, requiring less water and fewer chemical fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides. These practices aim to restore soil health and protect biodiversity.
- Designer Wash Name: 7 Yrs Bleu Taboo
- Origin: Fabric from Italy
- Content: 100% cotton
- Care: Machine wash
- Imported
- View the denim care guide
- Rise: Mid
- Fit: Classic — Follows your contours with a little room
- Length: Micro — Intended to hit upper thigh
- Model is 5'9.5"/176.53cm wearing a size 25
Stretch: Non Stretch
Non StretchComfortSuper Stretch
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