Re: your affair with Japanese satin
This is a maxi slip skirt with a high rise, an elastic waist and a bias cut. It’s made with Naia™ Renew — a drapey satin fabric with a lustrous, glossy sheen that’s extremely soft to the touch. Naia™ Renew is sourced from an innovative Japanese mill. It’s produced from recycled waste material and wood-based fibres from responsibly managed forests with a focus on protecting ecosystems and providing social benefits for local communities.
- Darted back for shaping
- Origin: Fabric from Japan
- Content: 100% acetate
- Care: Machine wash
- Imported
- Rise: High
- Fit: Classic — Follows your contours with a little room
- Length: Maxi — Intended to hit at the shin
- Model is 5'10"/179cm wearing a size 4
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